From a tiny idea of delivering health and comfort to relatives and loved ones, Tea Shop Malta came to life. Finding the truth in the notion that Mother Earth holds the cure, we strive to bring not only a delicious taste to our Teas but also a remedy to the most common issues that our daily and stressful lives leave on our bodies.
At Tea Shop Malta we harvest our very own organic, local herbs and ingredients to make the most genuine of Teas. Our NamasTÉ Teas.
We also pride ourselves in making our organic Kombucha, known as the Elixir of Life, which boasts countless health benefits and natural properties in just one bottle of our naturally flavored brew!
You are not just what you eat, but also what you drink! Now is the time to take control of this! Start here, with Tea Shop Malta! We’d be most happy to help you out in finding where to start according to your body and your needs! Get in touch with us today!